Le Bazar Palace



« My name is Constance, I was born on May 10th, 1981. The morning I came into this world, my mother went to vote for Giscard and by the end of that day, her whole world had collapsed. »


And then… I watched as the Berlin wall fell on television and Furiani crashed down, then Rwanda, which nobody would explain to me, the Front National in Toulon, where I lived, and neon lamp glass debris mixed with glue on the party’s display bills, which ruined my hands, the Twin Towers suddenly collapsing my own world into the depths of timeworn mythical caves, along with every Walt Disney movie that predestined me to a magical life.


From now on, the ASPARTAME Project tells a story of disillusionment and imposture, instability and contradiction.


The ASPARTAME Projects consists of three different formats, each including:

Thousands of Kapla wood blocks
Tumbles and falls
A copy-paste patchwork of intimate tales, television interviews, news scraps
Many costumes
A series of building-ups: of actions, stories, music hits
Raw dramaturgy


6,40: 20 images taken from news snippets, each screened for 20 seconds, narrated through 20 dramatic and performative gestures, randomly executed 4 times in a row by 2 female actors. Length: approx. 40mn.


MAISON-MUR-CHATEAU: Participatory performance. The idea is to collectively build the highest structure possible, following very precise architectural instructions from the company’s artistic team. Length: min. 4h.


ASPARTAME: A performance conceived as an extension of Maison-Mur-Château. This proposal brings into play 4 individuals aiming at rebuilding a world that only just collapsed. A corypheus eventually delivers the meaning of such a lost cause and eternal quest. This show is funny, cynical and realistic all at once. Length: 1h.


Constance BIASOTTO / Conception, direction, acting

Olivier BURLAUD, Marie DESOUBEAUX, Camille SECHEPPET, Sophie ZANONE / Cast

Natacha COSTECHAREIRE / Costume design

Fanny THOLLOT, Camille SECHEPPET / Sound design

Elisabeth GUYON / Visual theatrical adaption for 6,40 format

Marion BOTTARO and Nicolas LIGEON / Production managers

Ateliers SUD SIDE / Design and making of crocodile table

Tim VAN DER STEEN / Design and making of clothes rail

Keen & sharp eyes / Christian CARRIGNON: on the object, Bernard COLIN: on dramaturgy
Nedjma BENCHAIB: on movement


Institutions: Ville d’Arles (13), Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, DGCA, ainsi que l’ADAMI et de la SPEDIDAM

Mecenat: Entreprise KAPLA

Co-productions: Pôle Arts de la Scène, Le Citron Jaune, L’Entrepont, Le 3bisF

Last but not least :  La FAI AR, Le Théâtre de l’Unité, Le Théâtre de Cuisine, Lieux Publics, Karwan, Le Moulin Fondu et le Forum Jacques Prévert

2021: Saison du dessin du Château de Servières – Exposition Désir Moteur
2019:  La Manufacture, collectif contemporain – Avignon, Tournée Conseil Départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône, Festival Convers(art)science – Cnarep Le Citron Jaune …

2018: Tournée varoise avec Le Pôle
2017: Festival d’Avignon – La Manufacture collectif contemporain, Ville de Charleval,  Festival International des Arts de la Rue – Chassepierre (Belgique), Full Spin Festival – Essen (Allemagne), Pôle Jeune Public – Toulon, Tournée Conseil Départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône …
2016: Festival VivaCité OFF – Sotteville les Rouen,  Festival Et 20 l’été – Paris, Le grand Festival – Ville de Verdun, Fête Mondiale du jeu – Morières les Avignon,  Festival des métiers d’art – Le Pont de Monvert …
2015: Festival International des théâtres de marionnettes – Charleville-Mézières,  Festival Roulez Carros – Carros,  Karwan – Cité des arts de la rue – Marseille, 41 bis-la petite porte – la Friche Belle de Mai – Marseille