Le Bazar Palace

La grande aventure

2017-2019 CREATION

La Grande Aventure was a 3-year residency project in the Var département (83).
Brought in by Le Pôle (stage & circus arts approved organisation for children & teens) and GTD (Groupement Technique des Directeurs de centres médico-éducatifs du Var), its purpose was to initiate a meeting, or rather confrontation, between the creative art world and the health-social sector. The process took place in 6 different local medical and social centres that take in people with all kinds of disabilities. It resulted in a show at the Pôle’s theatre, directed by Constance Biasotto, which was also broadcast on RTBF (Belgian public radio) thanks to Adeline Debatisse’s podcast.
The residency and consecutive collaborations further allowed for an exhibition-symposium in October 2018: “Art et Handicap” — a great adventure indeed

Its name speaks for itself: « La Grande Aventure » is first and foremost an artistic journey with no destination in mind, a process that is primarily based on people coming, or colliding, together.


It unfolded in three steps:


2017: SE DIRE BONJOUR (to say hello) – observation, installation & project pedagogy

At first, the creative team ought to understand how each institution or organization worked, and to what aim; to evaluate the various possibilities, frameworks and constraints; to begin manifesting an artistic presence in each individual place (building makeshift huts and other obsessive installations…)


2018: SE RENCONTRER (to meet up) – establish a bond between us and them, as well as a liaison between the various health and social centres involved.

Secondly, we set up several artistic exchanges between the institutions we had partnered with: Olbia’s radio, a special setting for Sophie’s birthday, a treasure hunt march for the pirate ship, sending out and receiving letters… but also between the theatre and the centres: an exhibition (installation & video) and symposium “Art et Handicap”


2019: FÊTER – REMERCIER – OUVRIR (to celebrate – appreciate – open up)

At last came the time to synthesize all creative materials. Staging a proper party, « La Grande Boum » at the theatre was a great moment of joy, acknowledgment and appreciation of our work together. Creating the eponymous show enabled to put into perspective how society manages disability collectively and to raise further questions on « the difficulty to find one’s place and fit into the world ». Adeline Debatisse’s podcast, « Comment tu me parles ? » (« you’re talking to me? »), gave the project a European dimension, thanks to the 2018 Gulliver prize.

Constance BIASOTTO / Original idea and project management, theatre direction

Nicolas BURLAUD, Adeline DEBATISSE, Anthony GOURAUD et Sophie ZANONE / Associated artists in the following disciplines: video, sound, stage design and theatre

Frédéric PATOIS, Marie DESOUBEAUX / Actors on the show

Natacha COSTECHAREIRE / Costume design for the show

Fabien BOURDIER / Sound design for the show

Olivier BRUN / Lighting design for the show

Pôle Jeune Public
Scène conventionnée pour l’enfance, la jeunesse et les Arts du cirque Le Revest-les-eaux

Direction Régionale des Arts et de la Culture  – DRAC PACA

GTD : Groupement technique des directeurs d’instituts médico-éducatifs du Var

Agence Régionale de Santé  – ARS PACA

Gulliver Prize 2018 – pour le projet de Podcast

Les ITEP : L’Essor à Châteauvert et Les moineaux de l’Hermitage à Toulon

Les IME : Les Dauphins à Sanary-sur-Mer, La Frégate à Toulon, La Bourguette à Valbonne

L’IEM Oblia-Pomponiana à Hyères-les-palmiers


From January 2017 to December 2019

Symposium: October 2018/Toulon

Creation of the show: May 2019

Podcast « Comment tu me parles » from Adeline Debatisse : December 2019