Le Bazar Palace


2017-2019 CREATION

It all started with a question: what is a « family » made of today? A shaky pillar on which society builds itself. A hard core that becomes reliable only when our own value system crumbles. A traditional standpoint that is sometimes hailed by extremes as some sort of Trojan horse.

At Bazar Palace, you’ll find several types of families: blended, Judeo-Christian, post-1968, mono. Though truth be told, none will match the picture you’ll find on a fireplace mantlepiece.

Besides, what about public spaces? How is public space invested with family values? How does one publicly take on their own family choices? And how can we define public space anyway?

So we started to write. About what our own families were made of. So as to make those one family for all.

Full of dramatic irony and bitter sweetness… Super Encore is the alternative version of the story, the one we do not tell at a family dinner, the one that takes the form of many skeletons in the closet — but also the one that eventually makes you smile (or not) after a good few years of hindsight.


The idea is to stage a duo, a couple, that will question family as it is, here and now. Flo and Flo welcome each member of the audience as their guests. Everyone has brought something to eat and will share a meal after the performance. Warm, friendly greetings, and everybody gathers to sit all together around a formica table. Under is a pile of Kapla wooden blocks, thousands of them. Bookshelves and lamps frame the surrounding space, making it homely enough. Even the background music sounds like one you would hear at their (our) cousins’ wedding.

With the help of Kapla blocks, Flo and Flo draw on the traditional model of the nuclear family as if they were laying their cards on the table, and their family’s history comes clean. As they pick them from the pile, each piece of wood figures one family member. By telling a story that is both personal and universal, they ask: how to write it differently? How can one fully make up, live and take on a new territory for their family that suits them better?

They will eventually blow it all to pieces.

Super Encore takes place at events halls, wedding venues, local council rooms, libraries, community centres, heritage spaces…

Length: 55 minutes.  Suitable for all audiences.

Constance BIASOTTO / original idea, scripting, acting

Sophie ZANONE / staging

Olivier BURLAUD / acting

Olivier BRUN / external perspective on lighting

Atelier Sud Side / table making

Institutions : Ville d’Arles, Métropole Aix-Marseille

Co-productions : CNAREP Le Citron Jaune – Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône

Last but not least : Le 3bisF – Aix-en-Provence, Générik Vapeur – Marseille, Le Théâtre de Cuisine – Marseille

2019 : Festival Drôles de Noël, Arles

2017 : Tournée métropolitaine dans le cadre de l’évènement Lecture par Nature